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Monday, July 25, 2011


不可思议,我们竟然买了个小屋,然后结婚了耶!这可不是我所能想象的!我从来就没有想过我们可以这么快就有了现在的一切:)这一切,我一定要感谢主!我知道这一切是祂给我们的。Our God is an awesome God! :)

现在,我就在我那温暖的小窝里,记载着现在我所拥有的,神赐的恩典。此刻的我, 是知足的。Thank You Lord! We want to thank You for what You have done for us 2000 years ago, and even until today! We pray that you will continue to bless us, and we'll be your loyal servant. We love You oh Lord! We give You all the praises and all the glory, and we pray in Jesus' most precious name, Amen!


Sunday, July 24, 2011


Yay! The long-waited Eason Chan Duo concert is finally here! Counting down, another 13 days to go.. woohoo!


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